Sunday, August 13, 2006

Love, Like or is it really lust?

Just a comment a friend made in the last post.

Love takes time and is a emotion that takes work and doesn't happen instantly. That is why I prefer the word 'like'. This word can be overused and misused but in my context it is used when you want to spend time with a person and enjoy there company but aren't completely sure of whether you truly love the person.

I believe that if 'love' happens to quickly it is really infatuation or lust, which is not good idea.

The world view these days is to go for what feels good and don't worry about the consequences and that is dangerous.

What is more important is to love people unconditionally just like Jesus did, this is very hard but it is what we as Christians are called to do.


Blogger switch said...

Yes Chucky, 'Like' might be an easier word to use, but you can 'like' a lot of stuff.

I also believe there are a few 'versions' of Love, theres the "Love your neighbour as yourself" stuff, which sort falls into a respect - in that if wouldn't to it to yourself, why do it to them? sort of classification.

The other type is the emotion you might have towards someone of the opposite sex. It's true, it takes time to grow, but it also needs time and careful attention. According to your definition of like, you could accomplish all those things outside of a dating relationship.

I believe you should determine all of that before getting into such a relationship with someone. Feelings come, issues arise, differences become clear - after all that has been resolved (or not), then the relationship might have something that will last.

Dictionary definition of like (thanks to
1 To find pleasant or attractive; enjoy.

2 To want to have: would like some coffee.

3 To feel about; regard: How do you like her nerve!

Of course, thats just my opinion, and no doubt other people will think differently.

9:24 PM  
Blogger switch said...

something about that didn't display right...


2 To want to have: would like some coffee.

3 To feel about; regard: How do you like her nerve!

9:26 PM  
Blogger Trav said...

Chuck it sounds like your saying the word love is thrown around to easily and meaninglessly....and it sounds like Tim's saying like isn't a word you'd really want to be using in a correct my perceptions on that.

Personally i agree...a bit with you both.

Love is an emotion but not only an emotion it's also a strong statement of commitment. I think what i dislike is watching people who are emotionally in love with someone but their not committed.

Personally i reckon people should think carefully before using such a phrase.

7:56 PM  
Blogger switch said...

Yeah Trav, love is thrown around meaninglessly and like isn't a strong enough word to describe an emotion.

Emotions aren't meant to be weak, diluted feelings - they are meant to be extreme, and strong. A lot of people don't like handling emotions in their fullness, sometimes they might even fear it.

Thats why we've diluted everything, it's easier to handle for everyone I guess.

I think though, with real love, the commitment will be there - so I guess I'm saying if theres love without commitment, is there really love at all? I think we often mis-interpret love for a strong like.

The thing about 'like' is the connotation it has - if someone were to ask you "Who do you like?" - we automatically switch it to love in our minds, but if we were to take it for its literal meaning we could honestly say that we liked a lot of people.

So in a way yes, like shouldn't be used in a relationship, and love shouldn't be used so liberally - which brings me to the point I've been trying to make - why base a relationship on 'like'? To me, there doesn't seem much point - nothing great will ever grow from a simple liking.

Just my opinion...and I should really stop writing such LONG comments (or mini-blogs) :)

8:28 PM  

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